Well it’s been a while since I last posted. Now that could be because not a lot has been happening or too much has and I haven’t had the time. The truth is a bit of both. Not a lot has been happening in town except some silly motions by a particular Councillor regarding 9A bridge option. Surely the Bridge can be put behind us and we can move on to more important issues facing the community of Swan Hill.

Sigh… maybe not.

Check it out. Twice Councillor Norton has had a notice of motion regarding 9A. The first one was aborted in December last year, then resurrected again in February and voted on by the 5 Councillors allowed to vote. It was 3 to 2 in favour of the motion which said that:
1. The newly elected Swan Hill Rural City Council oppose the 9a bridge location option.
2. Council writes to the Victorian Planning Minister, Victorian Minister for Transport, Member for Swan Hill Mr. Peter Walsh, Member for Mallee Mr John Forest, Wakool Shire Council, Vic Roads and Roads and Maritime Services (formerly RTA in NSW), informing them of Councils decision.
3. Request meetings with the Victorian Planning Minister (Mr Matthew Guy) and the Victorian Minister for Transport (Mr Terry Mulder).
4. Request a meeting with Vic Roads seeking to progress alternative options

Now I did post while this motion was actually being voted on back in February. And I thought after the vote that surely this would be enough to placate the noisy anti-bridge movement. But alas it wasn’t to be.

So in March we had yet another notice of motion again moved by Councillor Norton that stated:
1. Council officers work towards removing the so called 9a replacement bridge option from the municipal planning scheme.
2. That officers investigate a way forward as to back zone the area regarding the 9a bridge option back to public open space.

Thankfully this time good sense prevailed and of the 5 Councillors voting 3 opposed the motion with 2 supporting. I do wonder what Councillor Adamson is doing. I know that he aspires to be the National Party Federal Member for Mallee, so maybe this foray into Council has gone to his head? We’ll have to leave that for him to answer.

So what was the difference this time? One difference with Mayor Les McPhee casting his deciding vote against the motion, which is certainly a change of tune to the last one.

So stay tuned as the next Council meeting is on Tuesday 16th April right here in Swan Hill. I wonder what stick will be brought out to muddy the waters and distract us from the real issues?